After returning back to Seoul from Tokyo, we still had Friday and most of Saturday before Daniel was scheduled to fly home. Friday was a low key sort of day, thank goodness! We both slept in, unpacked, and attacked the gigantic pile of laundry that always comes with the end of a vacation. Daniel was very happy to pack clean clothes in his suitcase rather than dirty ones and I was happy to give him a lesson on how to properly do laundry (using half as much soap as usual)! To finish off the night, we walked through Yonhi Dong to Pizza School for some delicious cheese pizza and brought it back to the apartment so we could finish our marathon watching of Chuck season 1.
One of Daniel's favorite places to eat in Seoul from his visit in the fall was La Celtique, a little creperie in Sinchon, so before he caught the bus back to the airport we walked over for lunch and it was delicious!! I could eat crepes every day:). Before long, it was time for Daniel to grab his suitcase and walk down the hill to the 6005 airport bus stop. I have to admit, I hate seeing people leave--it breaks my heart and I've cried a little on and off all day. I'm not sure why I have such a visceral response to parting, but needless to say, it really sucks! After having a constant companion for the last week, it was really sad to walk back up the hill to an empty and very quiet apartment. Thank goodness for my lovely friends who were available to talk and catch up! Daniel is such a good brother...he just accepts me for me and allows me to be the neurotic, overprotective sister that I am. I truly wish he lived in Seoul too--I think we would have lots of lovely adventures together. Maybe someday we'll live in the same city again! Thus ends our spring vacation and in a day's time it will be back to work for me and school for Daniel. I've been counting the days until I get to board a plane and make the same 12 hour flight back to the US. At this point I'm down to about ten weeks--time that will be filled with end of quarter grades, lesson plans, labs, tests, bible study, review sessions, IGCSE exams, discovery week (only 7 weeks until Venice!!), graduating seniors, a Korean wedding, and many more good-byes as everyone goes their separate ways for the summer break. I imagine these ten weeks will fly by and before I know it I will be seeing family and friends again. I can't wait! Now, off to tackle the giant pile of grading waiting for me before I head back to school on Monday morning!!
Februari 2025
4 days ago
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