Sunday, December 5, 2010

Finding Joy...

My friends who have lived overseas warned me before the big move that my experiences living abroad would be filled with ups and downs--they were absolutely spot on!  Last night's faculty Christmas Party was definitely a high!  I found a really cute dress to wear at the last minute, got all dressed up, and joined my fellow SFSers at the Grand Hilton for a night of celebrating!  We caroled, we ate, and we DANCED!  Even though I'm kind of a spaz on the dance floor (yep, no dancing skills here people) I had so much fun kicking off my shoes and cutting loose with the rest of my daring colleagues.  The single ladies sure know how to have a good time!  It was a late night and even later until the wave of exhaustion hit me.  
A few of the "single ladies", Kristen, Jenny (also Miss James), and Misty

Me with the Christmas tree
The incredible cover band of teachers--way to go Ruth, Paul, Pam, Marion, and Ryan!
Misty and Allison
The Miss James' dancing the night away
Ashley (who is pregnant with twin girls) and Kristen busting a move!
Kyla, Kristen, and Allison

I let myself sleep in this morning and didn't wake up until nearly 11am.  As soon as I climbed out of bed I was hit with a wave of panic as I started to think about all of the things I need to accomplish today!  As I sit at my computer I am surrounded by piles of laundry needing some attention, I can see the pile of ungraded posters sitting on my living room floor, and I am haunted by the fact that I still have planning to do for this week.  Plus, I have to go to school and re-enter EVERY grade from the start of the school year into my electronic gradebook because three of my classes were named incorrectly at the start of the school year.  What a fiasco.  There are not enough hours in the day!  The thing is, I don't want to do any of it.  I want to pack my suitcase, get on the plane, and forget about school for awhile.  I want to give up the responsibilities of adulthood and return to the simple life of....oh, I don't know what.  How about just wanting a life that is simple?  I can obviously recognize that I have a problem letting go of the small things, thus I end up with a stress mess.  Sigh.....

Putting off my school work isn't helping, so it's time to get working!  

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