Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seoul is Blossoming!

It's been a really busy couple of weeks here in Seoul!  Two weekends ago I reunited with my college friend Emily and her boss Connie when they passed through Seoul on their way back to the States from Cambodia.  Emily had gotten in touch with me a month ago to see if I'd be up for some sightseeing during their twelve hour layover.  Sightseeing, me?!  Of course!  The girls arrived at Incheon at 7am and took the bus out to SFS to grab breakfast and a shower at my apartment before we ventured out into the city.  We decided on a trip to Insadong, a fun arts and crafts area where we did some window shopping and had lunch.  It was so much fun to get to "run into" Emily in my new city, especially since I haven't seen her in at least a couple of years!  As it turns out, Connie and her husband will be back in Seoul this week to pick up the precious new addition to their family--a baby girl they adopted from Korea!  Before the girls grabbed the subway back to the airport, Emily and I posed for a quick photo.
Emily and I reunited in Seoul!
On my way back to campus I ran a few errands and stopped in to make a hair appointment.  I was thrilled when I found they weren't busy at the salon and figured I could get a quick trim right then and there.  Putting my faith in the hands of a hairdresser I had never seen before was a risk, but I figured it would turn out okay.  I managed to choke back tears until I got back to my apartment, but let's just say that I was less than thrilled with my new do.  I asked Denys to leave my hair long enough to put in a ponytail...maybe in six months that will be a reality again.  Now, almost two weeks later, I am starting to get used to my short locks but that one situation opened a huge emotional floodgate and I spent the rest of the "haircut day" having a breakdown.  Thank goodness for lovely friends here who are always at the ready with a shoulder to cry on!  Amazingly enough, my students and colleagues like the shorter cut and on Tuesday after school Rebecca, Stephanie, and I walked over to Edae to get some fun new hair accessories (thankfully Korea is well stocked with cheap and adorable hair things).  On our way through the Yonsei campus I stopped to really appreciate the much anticipated signs of spring.  I absolutely love the magnolia trees and I can't wait to see the campus washed in color as summer approaches!
One of the incredible magnolia trees at Yonsei!
The hillsides are starting to blush.
Cherry blossoms in Sinchon.
A cheerful pot of pansies adorn the main street in Edae.
This passed weekend was another great one packed full of activities and some time spent off "the hill".  Although I felt horrible Friday afternoon, I managed to drag myself out of bed the next morning and join Jo Wilcox and Claire Olivier on a trip to Dongdaemun (also known as the fabric market).  I had attempted this trip once before much earlier in the school year and was so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options that I crawled away with my tail between my legs and haven't tried to go back since.  This trip, however, had a distinct purpose.  In less than a month Jo and I will be leading a Discovery Week group called Sew and Sew (we affectionately call it a Stitch n' Bitch) and we needed both ideas for projects and supplies.  Navigating the gigantic complex made up of two or three interconnecting buildings that are five stories each was much easier with two experts at the helm and I came away from the trip with lots of fun finds including a couple of cute new hairbands to help deal with my unexpectedly short haircut.  When we finished up at Dongdaemun I struck out on my own and took the subway to Itaewon with a shopping list in hand.  A stop at the jeweler and a fantastic bookstore called What the Book! helped finish off what was left of April's budget, but I returned home with a silver chain and three new books in hand.  A few hours later I was on the go again!  Rebecca and I went out for Italian before the AMAZING student production of Fiddler on the Roof.  My goodness we have a huge number of talented kids at this school!  Sunday came and went and before I knew it the school week was in full swing.
One of my fabric market finds:).
In the last two weeks Seoul has been transformed by the arrival of spring.  Warmer weather and sunny skies were our first indication that winter was passed.  The second was the arrival of the cherry blossoms!  I had hoped to venture out to view the blossoms on Sunday, but my body didn't agree so when Tuesday rolled around and I saw the sun peeking out I decided I had to get out to Yeouido Park before leaving for Vietnam.  Kristen, Rebecca, and I decided to go together right after school and by 4:30pm we were following a path through a tunnel of blossoming trees.  We weren't the only people taking advantage of the beautiful afternoon--there were tons of Korean people out to view the blooming trees too.  Here are a few photos from our stroll through a wonderland of white flowers...
The cherry blossom trees in Yeouido Park!

Kristen and Rebecca enjoying some cotton candy...light and fluffy like the blossoms!
A view of the city across the Han River.

Walking beneath a canopy of branches and blossoms.
The petals aren't falling yet, but it's Kristen's dream to dance beneath a shower of cherry blossom petals!

Me, Kristen, Rebecca, and the backside of an adjuma:).
The obligatory self portrait.
I stopped to take a pretty picture with these beautiful flowers...but Kristen had other ideas.  This cracks me up!
Take two...naughty Kristen!
Well, enough procrastinating--I leave for Vietnam in less than 24 hours and I still have sub plans and packing to finish!  Keep an eye out for photos and updates from Ho Chi Minh city this week!

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